

I just spent the last five hours hanging out with four baby kittens.  They were so precious that my face hurts from smiling and shouting, "LOOK WHAT THIS BABY KITTEH IS DOING" every second.  Therefore, in honor of this most glorious Caturday, I have decided to share a few of my favorite cat-related.  =^_^=

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The Entire Cat Population Are My Bestfriend Sweatshirt 
Sterling Silver Cat Ring 
Whimsically Adorable Cat Tail Mug
Girl In A Cat Shirt
Cat Self-Defense Keychain (I have one I endearingly call, "Stabbycat")
Wildfox White Cat Swimsuit 
You Hurt Cats I Shoot You In The Head Shirt
Yellow Eyes Kitty Cat Shirt (or dress)

Little unknown fact about me: I grew up with dogs and didn't even have a cat until I took in a stray my freshman year of high school.  I used to tell friends I was allergic to them as a kid because I pretty much hated them.  My neighbor had one and it would jump out and claw me whenever I entered a doorway.  I would always walk home bloody and crying.  Now?  The entire cat population are my best friend.


  1. I love that cat swimsuit!!

  2. i've been looking everywhere for that sweatshirt, i wanna get it for my girlfriend but the original website it was being sold off said they were out of stock.. pleeaaase point me in the right direction! im sick of chasing wild geese.
